Mental Health Matters
At Hope-Borland Associates we have certainly noticed that now, more than ever mental health issues are at an all-time high. The level of Psychological and Psychiatric referrals has increased significantly. Covid-19 has certainly played a huge role in this. Right now everyone is at a different place in their lives, as lockdown eases and everyone starts to get back to the new normal.
Mind says “mental health is just like physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it”.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week we are immersing ourselves in the “5 Ways to Wellbeing” by reconnecting with nature. These 5 ways are Connect, Take Notice, Give, Be Active and Keep Learning. At a time where social media, working from home and zoom calls are the norm. It is important to remember our fundamental right to take stock, engage our senses, dust off those walking boots and get outside! This is what Emma, our Office Manager, has to say:-
In my opinion a good walk and listening to the birds whilst out in the woods does wonders for your head. It is good for the soul. During lockdown I broke my ankle and had to have surgery, meaning I was inactive for a fair few months. This was not easy especially with a 9 year old in tow! Walking was something that I desperately missed, especially when at that time it was all we could do! Now I am all healed being able to go on family walks, looking at the sky and listening to the birds is simply one of my little indulgences. It is not until something is taken away from you that you truly appreciate it.
Last week I decided to make exercise part of my day, so I have restarted at the gym setting myself mini goals waiting patiently for my spin classes to resume (said no one ever!). Taking back control is actually quite liberating. Watch this space… summer body pending!
Being connected with each other is more important than ever. I am trying to listen more to my family, work colleagues and friends. Actually listening, trying to understand and empathise with them. Finding the time to be more connected with each other is something that I think we all struggle with.
Mindfulness is something which I try and practice daily. Taking notice of what is around me, really looking at the beauty and savouring every moment where I can. Whether that be in the car on the school run meeting my husband at lunch for a chat/catchup with a cheeky sandwich thrown in. Actually listening to my son telling me about his day at school and meeting my friends for a coffee in person, rather than via the weekly zoom call. Being ever present in how I feel is important to me.
I am also very proud to say that I have learnt some new skills since moving house last month. I now know about upcycling furniture and painting tiles! I didn’t even know what Frenchic paint was a month ago!! If you haven’t heard give it a go….. you won’t be disappointed! It’s amazing.
For me it is quite simple, Be Kind. You never know what someone is going through. I always try and seize the day with a smile on my face. Saying thank you! In my experience that one small act of kindness can mean everything to another person.
If you want to know more about Mental Health Awareness Week then please take a look on Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 website.